Thursday, April 26, 2007


As my wife so kindly commented on my last post...this blog is so last week. I know, I've not updated in a few days. But I have good reason.

I've been at the National New Church Conference since Monday morning.

The last session just let out and we have a few hours before our flight, so finally I have a moment to post something. I've had big plans each day of blogging about everything I heard/saw/learned that day...but with no internet at the house I'm staying at, that has not happened.

So rather than be exhaustive I'll give you a quick overview of the week:

- Alan Hirsch is amazing. I'm extremely excited about to start reading his new book.

-Disc Golf in Orlando is hotter and sandier

-Bill Hybels...pretty good. I was actually surprised. But he does not agree with Mark Driscoll about the role of women in ministry though, that is for sure. Right before he got up to speak, a video of Driscoll played in which he talked about men in church. I won't go into it, if you've heard him before you know where he stands. Hybels got up and called him out. It was kinda funny.

-Vince Antonucci, Wayne Corderio, Dave Ferguson...all good stuff. Made me think.

-Got to hang out a lot with one of my best friends Joey Keck all week and that was the best part.

-The rest of, self-promotion, hand-shaking, 'talking shop'...ehh, I can really only take so much of that before going crazy.

Church conferences are a weird thing. They aren't for everyone and I'm not always convinced they're for me. But this was good.

1 comment:

Betsy said...