Thursday, June 04, 2009

I like yard work!

Tonight I left Bill with Jude and went to Lowe's to get some little shrubs to plant in front of the house. I planted them tonight and put in the little solar yard lamps along the front walk. There is still a whole lot to do when it comes to our yard. The woman who lived here before us loved flowers and worked in the yard regularly. We just don't always have time for that so it's been hard keeping up with some of it. Tonight was a good start though. I also decided that I love mowing the lawn so that's going to be my job from here on out. Bill loves mowing too, but I asked him if I could take it over since he gets exercise more regularly than I do throughout the week. I am just praying that if I keep doing the yard work Bill will decide he loves laundry.

That's all. Night!

1 comment:

Rafael said...


If you need a yard to mow since Betsy stole yours, I can hook you up . . .