The first is "By Way of Sorrow" by Julie Miller. Emilee Cook sang this song, and absolutely knocked it out of the park. She has an amazing voice and completely blew me away with how well she captured the mood of the song. Its a phenomenal recording.
Here it is...
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While not my favorite version of this song, it's really, really great.
I like the frailty in her voice.
Dustin and I were talking about this during the rehearsal; we weren't sure if she was nervous or if that was her actual singing voice, but it has a nice eerie and folkish sound.
freakin' awesome. great song. great singing.
so, any other news in life worth sharing?
yes, jeph. do mean, like how my wife is pregnant?
i suppose that would count as "other news in life worth sharing", but she doesn't want either of us to blog about it because she afraid some scary woman on the internet will try and buy our baby. i don't know, apparently that happens. either way, thats what she wants and thats what i'll do.
so shhh, it can be our little secret.
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