Monday, October 30, 2006

my fingers hurt

Most of you are probably wondering, "Why do his fingers hurt? It certainly can't be from blogging too much." Well, you are right. It is not from too much blogging. Sorry, by the way, for the lack of posts recently. I've had plenty to write about...but no time to write it.

But back to the fingers hurt.

Those of you who know me well are probably thinking, "So, its not from too much blogging...and there is NO chance that it is from ANY kind of hard work or manual labor." Well, you are right. Although, I see no need to place such emphasis on the words "no" and "any". That's just mean.

No...the reason my fingers hurt is because this past Saturday I took part in the 1st annual Tour de Knoxville Disc Golf Open. Impressed? Don't be. We made the tournament up.

4 courses and 63 holes in 8 hours. We even bought a green jacket at Goodwill to give to the winner.

Who won? Well, unfortunately not me. No, the winner was...and this should be no surprise to those of you who know him...

Mark "The King of all White Man Sports" Nelson

Here are a couple pics from the Green Jacket Ceremony...

Congrats Mark. It was an impressive and dominate performace.

In case any of you are wondering, I finished in third place. The prize? A date with my wife.

Man, that green jacket would've been cool.

(By the way, we are not sold on the name of the tournament, so if you have any ideas...)


The Adkins Family said...

In one of Franky Schaeffer books they have a "Tour de Spastics"... maybe you could use that.

Taylor said...

"Tour de Men With Too Little To Do"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Dang, I wish I could've finished in third place. Your wife is hot.